Takmeel Foundation - Social Welfare Trust

Takmeel Foundation is a non-political, non-governmental and non-profitable organization. The foundation helps individuals, groups, families and other communities to develop the skills for their socio economic development. The organization aims to provide relief against Poverty, unemployment, Social welfare, Provision of medical services for needy people and Provides Education to the children who cannot afford their study expenses. Run environmental awareness program and also provide counseling (legal and social) services to the individuals and groups as per their needs. The trust also provides emergency aid to disaster hit areas in Pakistan.

Takmeel Foundation is dedicated in the areas of Child Welfare, Support Poverty, Education for Poor Children, Free Medicines, Marriages of poor girls, Support old age poor people
Takmeel Foundation was established in August 2005 in a small room of Sr. Founder Member Mr. Umer Farooq when he met a poor mother of a girl who was very upset due to the upcoming marriage ceremony of her daughter, he visited the family’s home in person and found that the family was in big problem and they had no other mean to manage the expenses. Mr. Umer came back to his home and he made a plan in his room whether how to collect the funds to arrange the marriage ceremony of the poor girl. He started emailing and sms his friends and family and by the grace of Allah Almighty he managed to arrange Rs. 200,000/- and arranged the marriage successfully. From this point he started working for the good of poor and needy people and for this purpose he formed a non-profitable organization i.e. Takmeel Foundation. Since then the organization is expanding and providing its services to the poor people.   

Takmeel Foundation's mission is to mitigate the sufferings of poor and needy people who are less privileged and cannot afford the basic necessities of daily life and provide them the permanent solutions of their problems.

At Takmeel Foundation, we have a core of well-qualified and motivated people and passionate volunteers who work for the betterment of society by conducting awareness programs, holding free health camps, and providing trainings and counseling.

Q-How can I donate to Takmeel Foundation?
You can donate to Takmeel Foundation by any mean which is easy for you; donations through cheques are highly encouraged. Please make it payable to Takmeel Foundation and mail it to:
 Takmeel Foundation
1-Larex near Police Station Mughalpura
Lahore, Pakistan.
In the near future we are working on e-donations and donate through your cellular network.
Q-What will my money be used for?
Unless you are giving to a specific appeal, your donation will be used where it is needed most. Takmeel Foundation depends on donations like yours to support our emergency and disaster relief efforts and pilot new projects in areas of desperate need. Your money may be used, for example, to re-construct a ruined school or to provide education fee for the children in unattended areas or to improve a quality of life of a certain group to provide them a small business setup or for the marriages of orphan and needy girls.
Q-How can I learn more about Takmeel Foundation?
You can have a personal visit at our office, we also encourage you to visit our website/blog http://www.takmeelgroup.blogspot.com/ to learn more about our objectives, history and programs or call us to enquire more about us.
Q- How can I help raise money for Takmeel Foundation?
You can greatly benefit Takmeel Foundation by talking with friends, family and co-workers about the life-changing work that we do all over Pakistan. Help us raise awareness about how Takmeel Foundation is working to alleviate poverty, improve education, empowerment of women, assistance with socio-economic problems and provide economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable populations around the country. Encourage them to visit our web site or make a contribution. You can If you’d like to be actively involved in fundraising for Takmeel Foundation contact us.
Q- How can I become an active member of Takmeel Foundation?

You can contact us via Phone, email or personal visit, book a meeting come along with your C.V and detailed plan whether what value would you add for the vision of TAKMEEL Foundation.
We’d look forward to working with you!

The foundation is purely non profitable, non-governmental, social, educational and cultural organization established for the welfare of the humanity based on mutual help free from all sorts of political motive. The objectives of the foundation are to undertake and carry on any or all activities in the field of poverty, medical care, education to help poor and needy students, child welfare and individual or group counseling and to work for social economic uplift and betterment of persons and society and to entail all social activities for the welfare of humanity and to initiate or promote and or all such activities and in regard thereto including but not limited to the following:-
Objective 1: Finance the poor and needy children for their education, clothes and health.
Objective 2: To establish fund for deserving families and provide medical and legal aid to all such deserving persons including but not limited to children and women.
Objective 3: Found, build aid assist set up manage maintain administer and run hospital clinics dispensaries center and place of medical aid and relief, convalescent home for old people and to provide free assistance to need and poor maternity homes and to run the same on efficient lines for the convenience of the community.
Objective 4: To award from time to time golden prize in recognition of outstanding original research work in the field of scientific knowledge to individuals irrespective of their nationality on accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the foundation.
Objective 5: To provide from time to time interest free loan / Qarz-E-Hasna to those student who may be facing economic hardship in pursuing their education. Such interest free loan shall be granted on the condition that after the completion of education. Such interest free loan shall be granted on the condition that after the complete of education and when the recipient of interest free loan has an income the actual amount of interest free loan has an income the amount of interest free loan shall be returned to the foundation.
Objective 6: To disseminate awareness among the public/community for preserving nature and natural resources through environmental education and awareness and encouraging the involvement of school children in such activities.
Objective 7: To provide maintain and establish funds for providing basic amenities of life to the community in villages under developed and far flung areas.
Objective 8: To found aid construct set up manage maintain administer assist and run old age people hostels and houses centers and other places for benefit of the public at large.
Objective 9: Found subsidize aid assist establish maintain run administer and manage trusts funds grants and other benefactions in the furtherance of the objectives of the Foundation.
Objective 10: Establish subsidize promote cooperate with receive unto the foundation become member of act as or appoint Board of Governors agents or delegates for control manager superintend give gifts and lend monetary or other assistance to any association institute or fund whether incorporated or not which the foundation may consider appropriate to further any of its objective.
Objective 11: Receive and accept gifts grants aids donations benefactions of all nature and kind whatsoever and raise establish and maintain funds properties and assets by subscription and contribution and by receiving and acceptance of gifts grants aid donations benefaction and other means.
Objective 12: Raise any moneys and funds required for purposes of the foundation without security or on such security as the foundation may think fit and to repay and such borrowings
Objective 13: Work improve manage administer develop turn to account gift away or otherwise dispose of or deal with all or any of the funds properties and assets of the foundation to an other foundation.
Objective 14: Receive any property real personal or mixed in trust under the term of any will deed of trust or other trust instrument for the purposes of the foundation and in administering the same carry out the direction and exercise the powers contained in the trust instrument under which the property is received including the expenditure of the principle as well as the income for one or more of such purposes if authorized or directed in the trust instrument which it is received.
Objective 15: Received funds from other foundation charitable organization governments local bodies and persons whether corporate or otherwise and under such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the foundation and the donor.
Objective 16: To encourage support communicate contacts and joint participation on projects of mutual interest among dedicated and capable individuals or organizations in and / or outside the Pakistan for the advancement of the cause and objective or the foundation.
Objective 17: To accept grants from any government agencies authorities public bodies corporations companies or persons as money movable and immovable property donations gifts subscription devices bequests and other assistance with a view to promoting the objects of the foundation and in receiving any gift or property to take the same either unconditionally or subject to any special conditions which may be prescribed by the donor in writing.
Objective 18: Do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.

The funds of the foundation may be generated by any one or more of the following ways: foundation may be generated by any one or more of the following ways:
1-      By donations.
2-      By membership fee (if any).
3-      By admission fee.
4-      By subscription.
5-      By sale of tickets.
6-      By carrying on business.
7-      By obtaining loan.
8-      By contribution towards any scheme to be started by the foundation.
9-      By any other means or ways legally permissible and decided by the Board of Governors.


Email:  takmeel.group@gmail.com.pk
Call:    +92 347 666 0432
Visit:   3 Mohsin Market, Adjesent to Bata Shoe

            Outlet,Link Road Chowk Mughalpura Lahore,